Remedial Specific Syntoms Massage


(Promotion get 10% discount) Includes IFsauna 15 minutes, WELCOME DRINK, detox hot tea, desserts or snacks.

  • 90 min.: 980 SEK 882kr
  • 120 min.: 1,380 SEK 1,242kr.

Migraines are caused by temporary deviations in brain chemical levels. Migraine pain does not have to be strong, as pain tolerance varies between individuals. Compression and relaxation of the arteries in the brain more than usual contribute to the pain. A sudden onset of intense headache, nausea, and vomiting are common symptoms. Visual symptoms are often experienced 10-20 minutes before the headache, such as seeing light rays, glitter, glare, reflections or distorted images. Light and sound sensitivity as well as one-sided headache are common, but sometimes it can involve both sides.

Treatments for migraines include medication, lifestyle changes, pain relief, and alternative methods such as acupuncture and acupressure. It is important to identify and avoid migraine triggers, which can include stress, specific foods and drinks, lack of sleep, and hormonal changes. Managing migraines involves having a personal strategy to reduce the frequency and severity of attacks as well as controlling symptoms when they occur.

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(Tension-type Headache TTH)

Promotion get 10% discount
Includes IFsauna 15 minutes, WELCOME DRINK, detox hot tea, desserts or snacks.

  • 90 min.: 980 SEK 882kr.
  • 120 min.: 1,380 SEK 1,242kr.

Headaches are a common ailment often caused by contractions and tensions in the muscles of the head and face. Factors that can contribute to headaches include stimuli in the muscles and fascia around the skull and changes in chemicals like endorphins and serotonin. Common triggers for headaches are stress, hunger, inadequate rest, and overuse of the eyes. It is also common in patients with anxiety disorders, depression, mood disorders, and situations requiring adaptation.

Acupressure massage and other treatment methods can be effective for relieving headaches, as they stimulate blood circulation and provide more oxygen to the muscles. This, in turn, can relieve fatigue and release tension in the fascia, reducing the risk of pain and stiffness. Many nerves are located in the temples and head, so a proper massage that relaxes the muscles can increase blood flow and reduce headaches. It is important to find the right treatment and manage triggering factors to prevent chronic and recurring headaches.

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Relief of pain from tennis elbow

(Lateral Epicondylitis)

Promotion get 10% discount
Includes IFsauna 15 minutes, WELCOME DRINK, detox hot tea, desserts or snacks.

  • 90 min.: 980 SEK 882kr.
  • 120 min.: 1,380 SEK 1,242kr.

Tennis elbow is often caused by excessive repetitive use (overuse), as in tennis players, badminton players, people typing a lot on keyboards, and craftsmen who need to use tools like pliers or screwdrivers. Injuries or tears in the elbow's ligaments can occur. Initially, a mild pain in the elbow arises, which can worsen when moving the wrist or arm. If left untreated, the pain can become chronic, more severe, and persistent, which can lead to difficulties carrying out daily activities such as lifting objects or even drinking from a glass.

Symptoms of tennis elbow include:

  • Pain in the lateral epicondyle of the elbow when moving the wrist, and the pain can radiate from the arm to the wrist.
  • There is a painful pressure point on the tendon that attaches to the bony prominence on the outside of the elbow.
  • In recent cases, there may be swelling, redness, and warmth in the elbow area.
  • In patients with chronic inflammation, there may also be weakness in the muscles around the elbow.

A proper massage to relax the muscles increases blood flow, which can reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Massage is one of the methods that can be used to alleviate the symptoms of tennis elbow. Resting and avoiding overuse, along with rehabilitation and strength training of the elbow and forearm muscles, can also help prevent and treat this condition.

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Relief of pain from golfer's elbow

(Medial Epicondyle)

Promotion get 10% discount
Includes IFsauna 15 minutes, WELCOME DRINK, detox hot tea, desserts or snacks.

  • 90 min.: 980 SEK 882kr.
  • 120 min.: 1,380 SEK 1,242kr.

Pain from golfer's elbow is typically localized on the inside of the elbow and often affects people who regularly play golf since this condition is related to muscles and ligaments used in the golf swing. It can also affect people who frequently use their elbow in their work, such as massage therapists.

The cause of this pain in the inner elbow, called medial epicondylitis, is due to inflammation in the tendon located on the inside of the elbow. Patients suffering from this condition experience pain in this area, and the pain becomes very intense when the arm is extended and the wrist is lifted. In patients with chronic complaints, the pain can be persistent and radiate down the arm and wrist.

A proper massage to relax the muscles increases blood flow, which can reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Massage is one of the methods that can be used to alleviate the symptoms of golfer's elbow. Resting and avoiding overuse, along with rehabilitation and strength training of the elbow and forearm muscles, can also help prevent and treat this condition.

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Relief of pain in the shoulder blade

Promotion get 10% discount)
Includes IFsauna 15 minutes, WELCOME DRINK, detox hot tea, desserts or snacks.

  • 90 min.: 980 SEK 882kr.
  • 120 min.: 1,380 SEK 1,242kr.

Pain in the shoulder blade occurs as a result of the muscles and ligaments around the shoulder blade contracting and becoming inflamed. This creates trigger points and stretching of the fascia in the affected area, which impairs blood circulation and prevents nutrients and oxygen from reaching the tissues. This, in turn, leads to pain and stiffness in the shoulder blades.

Shoulder blade pain can have various causes, such as:

  • Sitting or standing in unfavorable positions for an extended period, e.g., sitting with the neck extended, bent, or tilted to one side.
  • Lifting objects that are too heavy or lifting objects incorrectly, which can lead to damage to the shoulder blade muscles.
  • Repeated movements that affect the shoulder blades, like ironing, painting ceilings, talking on the phone by squeezing the handset between the shoulder and ear, etc.
  • Injuries incurred in sports, such as baseball, tennis, or strength training.
  • Continuous symptoms of neck and shoulder pain, which may be due to office syndrome, frozen shoulder, or degenerative changes in cervical vertebrae.
  • Continuous symptoms of back pain or back muscles, caused by the long back muscle, which extends from the lower back to just below the shoulder blades, contracting.

An effective treatment for shoulder blade pain with lasting results involves breaking down the fascia and hardened trigger points that are the cause of the pain and stiffness. By restoring blood circulation and thus nutrient supply, nerves affected by the fascia can return to normal function. Inflammation, pain, and stiffness will, in turn, decrease and not recur.

Once the root cause of the problem has been eliminated, massage for relieving trigger points and fascia can become an additional method for treating shoulder blade pain. This can be effective both in early stages and during chronic periods to resolve the root cause of various abnormal symptoms that occur in muscles, tendons, and nerves around the shoulder blades.

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Relief of sciatica pain

Promotion get 10% discount)
Includes IFsauna 15 minutes, WELCOME DRINK, detox hot tea, desserts or snacks.

  • 90 min.: 980 SEK 882kr.
  • 120 min.: 1,380 SEK 1,242kr.

Usually, back pain starts with aching or stiffness in the lower back, either chronically or occasionally, before the pain spreads along the leg. It occurs when a nerve gets irritated or pinched, typically the large and long sciatic nerve that extends from the L4-L5 and S1-S3 joints and continues through the hip area, buttocks, thighs, calves, lower legs, ankles, and feet.

Pain along the sciatic nerve (a.k.a. Sciatic) includes back pain, pain in the gluteal muscles, thighs, calves, lower legs, ankles, and numbness in the toes. These symptoms are collectively referred to as sciatica (schias) and each patient may experience only some or all symptoms together. It is common for these symptoms to occur together with back pain that spreads down the leg.

If the pain has just started to occur in the lower part of the leg, it is common for it to affect only one of the legs. However, if the symptoms persist for a long time without proper treatment, the pain may begin to spread to both legs. Additionally, patients may start to experience other abnormal symptoms if the nerve controlling the leg's function is disturbed to the extent that it can't function normally.

Treating by breaking down fascia with massage is a therapeutic massage that aims to eliminate the actual cause of the pain, as well as other abnormal symptoms like numbness, burning sensation, and weakness. When the root cause of the problem is completely eliminated, pain and numbness improve, and they won't reoccur in the future.

This is done by first palpating the fascia connected to the area, such as the back muscles, hips, sacroiliac pelvis, sacrum, thighs, lower legs, and ankles. This includes areas in and around different joints, herniated discs, SI joints, etc. When the fascia is found in the problem area, fingers, elbows, and pressure are used to roll over the area until the fascia breaks down. When the fascia breaks down, the muscles or joints in that area will relax immediately, and blood will transport oxygen more efficiently.

Massage treatment to remedy this connective tissue does not involve bending, twisting, hanging, jerking, or stepping on any part of the body. This is because such movements do not resolve the problem at its root and can exacerbate existing symptoms if performed incorrectly.

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The Oriental Nuad Thai

Promotion get 10% discount
Includes IFsauna 15 minutes, WELCOME DRINK, detox hot tea, desserts or snacks.

Nuad Thai technique

  • 90 min.: 980 SEK 882kr.
  • 120 min.: 1,380 SEK 1,242kr.


Traditional Thai massage is a type of massage that is a branch of Thai medicine, focusing on pressing, kneading, squeezing, pushing, pulling, stretching, and compressing. It is known as "traditional medicine" and is not only used for pain relief, but is also beneficial for overall health and can cure diseases because it restores balance in the body. The massage affects both body and mind through artistic touch.

Those who visit a skilled Thai massage therapist may feel they have not only gone to a masseuse but rather a physiotherapist who doesn't only solve problems with massage. The therapist can combine different types of massages based on body proportions and the issues that need resolving. As a result, the massage itself does not always solve problems just by kneading points and other mentioned techniques. Therefore, different techniques can be combined to create a personalized and effective treatment.

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Deep Tissue Massage

Relief of Office Syndrome, Myofascial Relaxation Massage

Promotion get 10% discount
Includes IFsauna 15 minutes, WELCOME DRINK, detox hot tea, desserts or snacks.

Deep Tissue Massage technique

  • 75 min.: 780 SEK 702kr.
  • 90 min.: 980 SEK 882kr.
  • 120 min.: 1,380 SEK 1,242kr.

Deep recovery muscle massage is an oil massage designed to target the deepest muscles, focusing on treating the symptoms of office syndrome. It is suitable for customers who prefer a strong massage and have strong muscles. Deep tissue massage should not be performed on clients who bruise easily. The massage must be done slowly to be able to press deeply on the muscles.

A proper deep tissue massage should feel good and comfortable for the person being massaged and help relax the muscles. Pressing on a point may cause pain, but the pain should be manageable and result in improvement. It is essential to know the muscles and their issues to provide effective treatment.

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Lymphatic Detox Massage

Promotion get 10% discount

WELCOME DRINK, detox hot tea, desserts or snacks.

Detoxifying technique with jade cooling stones

  • 90 min.: 1,180 SEK 1062kr.
  • 120 min.: 1,480 SEK 1,332kr.

Detoxifying dry massage

  • 90 min.: 980 SEK 882kr.
  • 120 min.: 1,380 SEK 1,242kr.

Detoxifying aromatherapy massage

  • 90 min.: 980 SEK 882kr.
  • 120 min.: 1,380 SEK 1,242kr.

Lymphatic detox massage is a treatment to stimulate the circulation of the lymphatic system. It helps reduce the accumulation of toxins and lymphedema. The treatment has become increasingly popular in recent times. Lymphatic drainage massage is performed only on the outermost layer of the skin, at a depth of about 0.5 cm (0.2 inches).

The treatment focuses on stimulating the lymphatic system to reduce swelling, clear out toxins, and eliminate cellulite. The person receiving the massage may experience slight bruising, swelling, and the release of toxins. Lymphatic drainage massage is particularly suitable for those who have recently recovered from illness, undergone surgery, or have issues with toxin buildup in the body. It is not recommended to use strong or deep massage techniques during lymphatic drainage.

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Opening hours

Mon-Friday 09:30 - 20:00

Sat- 11:00 - 18:00 (Booking only)

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Contact info

Phone: 073 320 0760 & 018 141 008

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Asian Soul Spa

Svartbäcksgatan 73, våning 2
753 33 Uppsala
Tel: 073 320 0760 & 018 141 008